Key Cover

Key cover provides up to £1,500 cover for a set of insured keys in the event of loss, theft or damage. Assistance such as arranging locksmiths, or a hire car, may be provided if appropriate.

How to make a claim

In the event of a claim, please contact us as soon as you can giving us as much information as possible about the circumstances to bring about the claim.

Telephone: 0333 241 9574

Or you can write to us at:
Motorplus Claims
Kircam House, 5 Whiffler Road, Norwich NR3 2AL

  • Theft of an insured key must be reported to the police immediately and a crime reference number obtained which should be provided with your claim.
  • Claims must be reported to us within 30 days of occurrence.
  • Our claims line is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to assist you.
  • In order for us to help you more efficiently, please quote "KeyBack" in all communications.

Full details of what is and what isn't covered, and other important information can be found in your policy documentation.

To make a claim on the MotorCycle Direct Key Protect Policy, please call 0330 102 8758 (opening hours are 24 hours a day, 365 days a year).

If you need to make a claim please check your policy to ensure you have a valid claim. Please then follow the 5 steps below.

1. Contact us on 0330 102 8758 quoting scheme code 0460554. You will be asked to explain what has happened and our call handlers will advise you whether or not your claim is covered. In the event of theft please contact the police and obtain a crime reference number. If you lose or have your keys stolen in Europe (see 'geographical limits' definition), please contact the Emergency Helpline +44 1737 334 412. We will register a claim for you and advise you of the reimbursement procedure. Please note that in the event of theft, a crime reference number will need to be obtained from the police.

2. We will validate your claim and where applicable (excluding Europe) we will arrange for a locksmith to attend. For vehicle key claims, they will try to access your vehicle and get it started. Should this not be possible they will recover your vehicle to a garage.

3. You will be responsible for any costs over the total policy limit.

4. All valid claims where we were not able to arrange for one of our approved locksmiths to attend or for onwards transportation or claims that have occurred in Europe (see 'geographical limits' definition) will be dealt with on a pay and claim basis.

5. Where you have had to make a claim on a pay and claim basis, you will need to contact the Administrator. To arrange reimbursement of your costs please download a claims form from or contact the Administrator on 0330 102 8751. On receipt of your claim form and supporting documentation the Administrator will validate your claim and process accordingly.